4:20(ishpm): I'm watching E!'s Live on the RedCarpet and am greeted with Ryan Seacrest being drenched with Kim Jon Il's "ashes" by Sacha Baron Cohen's Dictator character. Nice. As Tina Fey stated, "you were a victim of comedy" and Ryan was a good sport about it.
4:25pm: And now I'm feeling sorry for the poor lad getting yelled at by security to clean the "ashes" up.
4:40pm: I'm switching back and forth between ABC's Red Carpet and E!'s Red Carpet. I'm sticking with E!. More personality and are doing a better job examining the fashion.
4:57pm: Earlier, there was a poll for E! viewers on who should win Best Picture. And of course, The Help came out on top with 34%, but that's only because it's the only film a lot of E! viewers even saw. My money is definitely on The Artist. It's actually a good film guys.
5:03pm: On ABC, Bradley Cooper is being interviewed sporting a thin mustache. Kinda looking like Burt Reynolds. Sexy. AND doing a decent Chris Walker impression haha.
5:27pm: And now it's about to start, I'm jumping with excitement...... yeeeeeaaah, I hoping the Oscars don't become a complete bore-fest like last year *crosses fingers*
5:30pm Oh nice. They are doing the MTV-style bit but with the films all integrated much better and FUNNIER! Thank you!!
5:33pm OHMYGAWH Billy Crystal in blackface as Sammy Davis Junior
5:37pm "We're here at Chapter 11 Theater" Oh poor Kodak, advanced technology has ruined you :(
5:44pm "Hugo" wins Best Cinematography & Art Direction. Completely agree, it's a beautiful looking film.
5:45pm The winners are so cute in their Italian accents.
5:47pm The downside to watching the Oscars on the only HD TV in the house? Having my dad insert his comments, constantly, as you try to enjoy the show.
5:52pm "Your name here" theater. And the Kodak hits keep on coming, ouch.
5:54pm "The Artist" wins Best Costume Design.
5:59pm "The Iron Lady" wins Best Achievement in Makeup. I was rooting for "Albert Nobbs" or "Harry Potter" but "The Iron Lady"? Really? Comeon now.
6:05pm Oh Sandra nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. That dress is so ill-fitting! Thankfully her Chinese presentation makes up for ....No I just can't do it. The dress ruins it. :/
6:09pm Oh yes. Christian Bale is oozing sexiness tonight. Nice trimmed facial hair. Hair length is perfect. Totally my style of man.
6:12pm Octavia Spencer wins Best Supporting Actress! Gosh she's so surprised and frantically trying to get through her speech in the allotted time. She's adorable, good for her.
6:22pm No Billy. Those actors were not funny. Seriously who wrote that skit? I didn't even smile.
6:23pm Thank goodness for Tina and Bradley getting at least a chuckle out of me.
6:24pm "The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo" won Best Editing. Haha those editors really didn't expect to win. They literally had nothing to say but say thank you and babble nonsense for a couple of seconds. Glad to see "TGWTDT" get at least one award this evening.
6:26pm Aww, "Hugo" wins for Best Sound Mixing. I wouldn't mind but that was "Drive"'s one and only Oscar nom. That film deserved so much more from the Academy.
6:29pm "Hugo" wins again! Well its better that it won all these technical awards because it deserves those but that's pretty much it.
6:34pm Yay the Muppets always makes me giddy.
6:35pm LOVE this Cirque De Soleil performance. It was too short though, I want way more of this kind of entertainment in the Oscars.
6:41pm RDJ totally knows how to liven up the few minutes he ever gets on these award shows.
6:45pm Chris Rock's jokes were pretty funny. "Rango" wins Best Animated Film. Wasn't really feeling "Rango". It looked AMAZING but the story was cliche and the characters didn't keep my interest at all. Blaaaahhh.
6:53pm Emma Stone's dress is definitely a nod to Nicole Kidman's dress from a couple years, it's gorgeous. "Hugo" wins for Best Visual Effects. Yea .... it was either Harry or "Hugo" but I personally would have gone for Harry.
6:58pm Melissa Leo's dress looks like she bought it from Ross. Christopher Plumber wins Best Supporting Actor. He was great in "TGWTDT" and great in "The Beginners".
7:11pm One of my favorite section of awards, for music. Original Score award goes to The Artist. Unfortunately, I have not gotten around to listening to "The Artist"'s score so I have no comment. :/
7:16pm Yes! Zach and Will were the funniest BY FAR. And I'm shocked! There were only TWO original song noms! "Man or a Muppet" wins for Best Original Song. Double YES! I couldn't stop singing that song since I bought the soundtrack last year.
7:25pm "The Desendants" wins for Best Adapted Screenplay while "Midnight in Paris" wins for Original Screenplay. Wow I'm glad to "Midnight in Paris" won something.
7:40pm "The Shore" wins for Short Film while "Saving Face" wins for Short Doc. "Saving Face" was so heartbreaking, but great. Gotta give love to the small films. "Fantastic Flying Books" wins for Animated Short which I have to check out because I heard it was fantastic.
7:51pm "The Artist" wins for Best Directing. No surprise here.
7:57pm Montage Montage Montage. Its like when the producers don't know what else to fill the Oscars with, they put in a montage.
8:03pm Wow that rendition of "What A Wonderful World" was absolutely beautiful. *tear*
8:13pm OHHH! No wonder! It was Esperanza Spalding. I had a feeling it was her. That performance proved that she earned that Best New Artist Grammy award.
8:18pm Jean aka the actual Artist wins for Best Actor. The "I love your country" comment was great.
8:27pm Colin Firth's Mamma Mia joke with Meryl was awesome
8:30pm Meryl Streep wins Best Actress. Was rooting for Rooney Mara but Meryl is the veteran. Yeaaaaaa...... great speech though.
8:35pm Yes! "The Artist" wins Best Picture! Much deserved, "The Artist" truly is a wonderful film so check it out for anyone reading this this.
Well that's that! The 84th Acadamy Awards. Overall, the show was better than last year's, way better. However, the show was still a bit on the safe side which made it a bit boring as usual but what can you do. It's the Oscars, where the old white men strive to keep things very traditional as possible.
Thanks for stopping by! I shall return with a new nail post this week.
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