It's 4th of July weekend and it's the last weekend of the San Diego Del Mar Fair. There were exhibits, animal races, rides, livestock, tons of shops, and of course, heart clogging food!
This treat, which made its debut this year at the fair, has been all over the news, local and national. It's the deep fried Koolaid! I have never tried anything deep fried at the fair before, and since this is a once-in-a-year type thing I thought, "what the heck", I'll give it a shot. Besides, I don't find these kinds of fried foods disgusting.
Lol. It matches my nails!

The Verdict: Tastes like Kool-aid! Who knew? Not bad.
Lol. It matches my nails!
The Verdict: Tastes like Kool-aid! Who knew? Not bad.
It's just fried sugar. Not that different in fattening compared to all the soda (16packets of sugar), chips (high sodium), fries (high sodium), candy, juice, burgers and hotdogs I believe most people will be enjoying this weekend and summer anyway.
I stumbled upon an actual Konad nail booth at the fair! The lady applied the cheetah print from the popular M57 plate for free on my nail. It came out well but held out on buying the M57 plate since I knew it was sold cheaper online.
Next up were the exhibits for precious stones and wooden artwork. Here are a few of my favorites that I spotted.
Another exhibit that I always spend hours looking through is the student showcase. There are hundreds of students who participate ranging from local college to middle school students. A ton of student artwork fill up the 3 story Del Mar building. I always check up on my old high school to see how they placed. Here are a few of my favorites pieces of student artwork.
Finally, I usually buy a couple souveners to remember my time so here I thought I'd share the items I purchased.
There was a shop that sold all kinds of designs that could be placed on tank tops, t-shirts, and sweaters. The design is made and customized for you right on the spot. I am so pleased with how this design came out! It's perfect.
I blurred part of my name for privacy. So don't worry, there is no mistake on the wallet. This wallet is handmade. I really got this because the lady offered to engrave my name for free.
Thanks for stopping by! Have a happy 4th of July!
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